Privacy policy

We are glad that you are interested in our company. The address of the Company puts special emphasis on the security of the data. The use of our Internet pages may be possible even without providing any personal information; however, in the event that a particular subject you want to use specific services provided by our company through our website, you may be required to the processing of personal data. If you require the processing of personal data and there is no legal justification to do so, usually we get the compliance or the consent of the subject of personal data.

Personal data, such as postal and email address (e-mail), phone number, or the name of a data subject, will be processed in accordance with the RGPD – Regulation General of Protection of Data and the specific regulations of each country regarding the protection of data that are applicable. . Our company informs the public about the scope, nature and purpose of the personal data that our website stores, processes and uses this data protection declaration. In addition, by means of this data protection declaration, applicants are informed of their rights.

As the controller, we have implemented various organizational means and technicians to ensure the optimum protection of personal data processed through this website. However, due to the transmission of Internet-based data may have gaps in security, you can not promise or guarantee absolute protection. As a result, each data subject has the option to transfer personal data to our side using other means, such as a phone.

1. Definitions

The statement of security of data the Company is based on the terms used by the EU legislator to adopt the RGPD – General Regulation of Data Protection. The public, but also our business partners and customers must be able to read and understand our declaration of data protection. To ensure this, first we would like to define the terminology.

«Nosotros», «Nos», «Nuestro», «Administrador», «Proveedor de servicios» y «la empresa» significan
Among others, we use the following terms in this data protection statement:

  1. Personal information

Personal data means any information relating to a person known or identifiable natural person (the "data subject"). The natural person is identifiable can be detected, actively or passively, by their name, location data, identification number, online presence, and IP, and one or more signs that apply only to the condition of emotional, physical, physiological, genetic, cultural, social, and of that natural person. and economic identity.

  1. Data subject

A data subject is a natural person that can be categorized, directly or indirectly, based on specific information that reflects personal data.

  • Processing

The processing is defined as any process or series of operations performed on data or private collections of private data, through or without electronic means, such as processing, monitoring, structuring, storage, organization, modification, or adaptation, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, distribution and/or making available, alignment or mixture, limitation, erasure or destruction.

  • Restriction of processing

Restriction of processing: this is the labelling of personal data held with the intention to avoid possible prosecution.

  • profiling

The creation of profiles is described as any kind of automation of personal data that involves the use of personal data to determine some personal aspects with respect to a person, specifically to explore or predict aspects relating to the work efficiency of that person, your economic status, interests, personal preferences, health, behavior, reliability, position or movements.

  • seudonimización

The seudonimización is the process of processing of personal data in a manner that the personal data can no longer be traced back to a specific data subject without the use of additional information, so that this additional information is stored separately and applied to organizational and technical measures to ensure that these data are not linked to any identifiable person or identified.

  • The controller or the responsible of the treatment

The controller or controller is the person, body or authority, or any other body which, alone or in collaboration, identify the means and purposes of processing of personal data; where the means and purposes of such processing are laid down by the legislation of the Union or of the member State, it may be the driver or the standardization for its designation.

  • Processor

Any process or series of operations performed on personal data or compilations of personal data, whether by automated means or not, such as processing, recording, organization, structuring, storage, modification or adjustment, recovery, analysis, use, disclosure by transfer, distribution , or otherwise making accessible, coordination or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.

  • Container

An entity natural and/or legal, governmental authority, organization, or other person to which they are exposed the personal data, including a third party, is called the recipient. The public bodies that may collect your personal data in the context of a specific investigation under the law of the Union or of the member States are not considered to be recipients; the collection of data by public bodies should be in line with the privacy laws of relevant data in function of the objectives of the processing.

  1. Third party

A third party is any entity, natural or juridical, public official, organization, or agency other than the data subject, the processor, the controller and the persons authorized to process personal data under the direct authority of the controller or the processor.

  • Consent

A third party is any entity, natural or juridical, public official, organization, or agency other than the data subject, the processor, the controller and the persons authorized to process personal data under the direct authority of the controller or the processor.

2. Treatment of personal data

In its function as a controller of personal data, the Company collects personal data in a way which guarantees an acceptable level of safety, as the defense against the prosecution did not accredited or illegal, and the loss, damage or injury is not intentional, while employing the steps of technological or organizational, as appropriate. in accordance with the principles listed below:

  1. In connection with the subject of the data in a lawful, fair and transparent (“lawfulness, fairness and transparency”)
  2. The data obtained for specific purposes, explicit and legitimate and not stored in a way incompatible with those purposes ("adequacy in the collection of personal data and limitation of intention").
  3. adequate, appropriate and restricted to what is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed ("data minimisation")
  4. precise and stored up to date.
  5. storage for no longer than is necessary for the needs for which it is used ("limitation of storage")
  6. processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against processing or improper and unauthorized leakage, degradation or damage to data, using the steps of technological or organisational appropriate ("integrity and confidentiality").

We process personal information when it meets one of the following criteria:

  1. The treatment is essential for the execution of a contract or contact the company from which the data provider is a participant, or for the implementation of measures at the request of the data subject prior to cooperate with us.
  2. The processing is necessary for the execution of any agreement with the Company, which the data subject is a participant or to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to signing any agreement with us.
  3. The interested party has given his permission for their personal data to be used for one or more particular purposes. When the personal data are stored exclusively on the basis of consent, the recipient of the data has the right to revoke that consent at any time. The withdrawal of the approval of the data subject is not valid when the data collection depends on the terms of the points "a" and "b" above.

The Company, in its role as controller, does not collect personal information that exposes the racial or ethnic origin, opinions linked to points of view and political beliefs, religious or other philosophical, union links. The treatment of biometric data, and/or genetic, solely for the means of identification of the person, data concerning health or life or sexual orientation of the person, unless we have received explicit consent of the data subject for the treatment of this type of data for one or more of a purpose.

3. Name and address of the controller

In charge of the objectives of the RGPD – Regulation General of Protection of Data, the specific regulations of data protection applicable in the member States of the European Union.

5. Cookies

We use cookies. These are text files stored in a computer system via the browser, I-net (Internet).

They are used by many servers and web sites. A cookie ID is used in many cookies. An identification of the cookies is the unique identifier of the cookie. It consists of a string of characters that enables the sites and servers on the Internet are assigned to the same browser in I-net where you placed the cookie. This allows the pages and servers visited Internet to select the particular browser of the data subject from other web browsers with other cookies. Using the ID of cookie, a web browser, in particular, can be recognized and marked.

The Company will offer more services experience to the customers and web site visitors through the use of cookies, which otherwise will not be available without the establishment of the policy of cookies. The content and offers on our website can be optimized and the customer in mind through the use of cookies. As noted above, cookies help us to remind visitors of our website. This recognition aims to provide the people access to our website.

Customers of a web site that cookies are not asked to enter access data each time you visit the website, as this is managed by the cookies policy and the website and, therefore, it is saved in the computer device of the user. Another example is the cookie associated with a shopping basket in a web shop. The online retailer uses a cookie to retrieve stored products in the basket of the online purchase by a customer.

The interested party can stop the setting of cookies at any time through the website by making the appropriate settings in the browser I-net used, and in this way to reject permanently the setting of cookies. In addition, cookies already set may be deleted at any time using a web browser (I-net and the various software programs. This can be accomplished in any of the popular web browsers. When the data subject disables the setting of cookies in the browser, I-net selected, not all of the functions of the website will be fully functional.

6. Information collection and general information

When a client (a data subject) or an automated system uses the website, the latter gathers information and data general. This information and the general data are stored in the server log files. The data collected may include:

  • the operating system of the system of access.
  • the type and version of the browser-I-net.
  • sub-sites.
  • Referrers: web site used by the access system to reach our web site.
  • IP address
  • date and time of arrival at our web site.
  • the Internet service provider of the access system.
  • other information, and similar data that can be used in attacks on our IT systems.

The Company does not evaluate the subject of the data while using the information and the data general. This information is quite necessary to:

  • provide and deliver the correct content.
  • to optimise the website and to the content of the ads.
  • to ensure the viability of the technology of our website and IT systems, and
  • in the event of a cyber attack, provide the necessary information to the authorities in charge of enforcing the law.

This means that we analyse anonymously the information and the collected data statistically to increase protection and data security of our Enterprise, but also to ensure the optimum level possible protection of the personal data that we process. The anonymous data of the server log files are maintained separately and away from the personal data provided by a data subject.

7. Possibility of contact via the website

The website provides information that allows the direct communication of urgent electronic communication with us, and this also includes a general address of email. Therefore, the personal data sent by the data subject are automatically stored when an interested person contact us through our contact form or by e-mail. Such voluntary transfer of personal data by the subject of data to us at: the data controller is retained for processing or contacting the data subject. During this process there is no transfer of this personal data to third parties.

8. Comment function in the blog on the website

We can offer to our users and customers the ability to leave comments on the blog posts published on a blog, on the website of the controller. The blog is web-based, and is accessible to the public. We publish blog posts from bloggers and writers.

If the comment function is available, and a data subject decides to leave a comment in a blog post published on our website, the comments, the data subject shall also be published and stored. We also store information about the time and date of the commentary and on the user name of the person concerned. Registered will also be the IP address. The latter is due to reasons of security: the protection of third parties in the event of violation of the rights of third parties or unlawful publication included in a comment. This means that when you store such personal data, the controller maintains your interest so that you can exculpate in the event of infringement. The third parties will not have access to the personal data previously collected, unless required to do so by law or would serve to defend the data controller.

9.  Erase routine and blocking of personal data

The time of storage of the personal data by the controller is set by the european legislator or any other regulator or legislator under which to find the driver. Therefore, it will be stored during the time in which to achieve the purpose of storage, or as otherwise required by law.

All personal data is blocked or erased routinely in accordance with the requirements established by the european legislator or other regulatory body when the purpose of the storage is not applicable, or if it expires, the period of storage.

10. Data protection provisions about the use and application of Facebook

The controller has built business components of Facebook on this website.

Facebook is a social networking site.

A social network is a online community that allows users to interact in a digital environment, and connect. It's a place for social meetings on the Internet.

A social network may serve as a forum to share experiences and ideas, or you can allow the Internet community to share personal information or related to the business.

Facebook allows social network users to configure private profiles, connect to a network via friendship requests, and upload images.

The operating company of Facebook is Facebook, Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, united States.

If you live outside of the usa. UU. or Canada, the controller is the Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland.

When the data subject access to individual pages of this website i-net, which is executed by the controller and into which is inserted a function of Facebook (add-ins of Facebook), the web browser on the device of information technology of the data subject is automatically prompted to download a display of the corresponding component from Facebook from Facebook through the component of Facebook.

Puede encontrar una lista de todos los complementos de Facebook en

During the process of this method, technological, Facebook learns what subsite particular of our website visited the person concerned.

If the data subject is logged in on Facebook at the same time, Facebook recognizes which particular subdomain of our website you accessed the data subject, for each call to our website by the data subject and for the time of stay. on our web page.

This information is collected through the part of Facebook, and is associated with the account of Facebook of the interested party.

When the data subject chooses one of the buttons of Facebook, integrated on our website, such as the "like" button, or sends you a message, Facebook compares this information with the personal account of Facebook of the data subject and retains the personal data.

Facebook collects information about the visit of a data subject at our web site through the part of Facebook, provided that the data subject is logged in on Facebook at the same time that calls to our web site.

This happens both if the data subject clicks on the component of Facebook or not.

If the interested party does not want such a transmission of information to Facebook, you can avoid this by signing out of your account of Facebook before visiting our website.

La pauta de seguridad de datos de Facebook, que está disponible en, ofrece detalles sobre la recopilación, el procesamiento y el uso de datos personales por parte de Facebook.

In addition, is explained there what setting privacy provides Facebook to protecting the privacy of the data subject.

In addition, several options are available in settings to allow the elimination of data transmission to Facebook.

The interested can use the application to avoid sending data to Facebook.

11. Data protection provisions about the use and application of Google AdSense

The driver has used Google AdSense on this website.

Google AdSense is an online service that allows advertisers to insert ads into third-party web sites.

Google AdSense is based on an algorithm that selects advertisements displayed on third party sites that are relevant to the content of the third party site.

Google AdSense allows targeting based on interests of Internet users, which is achieved through the creation of individual user profiles.

Alphabet Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, USA. UU., it is the company that runs the component of Google AdSense.

The component Google AdSense aims to integrate advertising on our web site.

Google AdSense places a cookie on the device of information technology of the interested party.

The meaning of the cookies it has already been clarified.

Alphabet Inc. you can analyse the use of our website thanks to the cookie.

For every visit to the pages of the site i-net driver , and through which is inserted a component of Google AdSense, the Internet browser on the technology infrastructure of the information of the data subject will automatically send data to Alphabet Inc. for the purposes of online advertising and the settlement of commissions.

During the process of this technological practice, Alphabet Inc. obtains knowledge of personal data, such as IP address of the owner of the data, which allows you to Alphabet Inc. to understand the origin of the clicks and visitors and, therefore, to establish settlements of commissions.

As mentioned above, the data subject may, at any time, configure the prevention of cookies through our website by adjusting the web browser used and, therefore, refuse, permanently the setting of cookies.

A change in the Internet browser used will also prevent Alphabet Inc. place a cookie in the infrastructure of information technology of the interested party.

In addition, cookies are used earlier by Alphabet Inc. you can remove them at any time via a web browser or other software programs.

Google AdSense also uses so-called tracking pixels.

A pixel monitoring is a small graph that is inserted in web pages to enable the logging and log file analysis, which allows you to perform statistical analysis.

Alphabet Inc. to decide if a data subject opened a page, and when, and what links you clicked the data subject, using the tracking pixels embedded.

The tracking pixels is used to analyze the movement of the traffic on a website, among other things.

The information and personal data, including the IP address and are required to collect and post the ads displayed, is transmitted to Alphabet Inc. in the united States of America through Google AdSense.

This personally identifiable information will be stored and processed in the united States of America.

Alphabet Inc. you may disclose the collected personal data to third parties through this technical procedure.

Google AdSense is discussed in greater detail in .

12. Data protection provisions (with anonymization) on Google Analytics

Use and application

The controller has included a component of Google Analytics on this website (with the function anonimizadora).

Google Analytics is a web analytics service.

The collection, compilation and review of data on the activities of the visitors of the web site is web analytics.

A web analysis service collects information such as the web site from which you were referred: a person came from, to which sub-pages were accessed, how long, or how often you visited a certain sub-page.

The on-line analysis is primarily used for the optimization of web sites and to make an analysis of the cost-benefit relation of the ads on the Internet.

Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, USA. UU., is the operator of the Google Analytics.

The controller uses the application “_gat. _anonymizeIp” for web analysis via Google Analytics.

When an interested person accessing our websites from a member State of the EU or another contracting State to the Agreement on the European Economic area, Google abbreviates and anonimiza the IP address of the web link of the interested party.

The component of Google Analytics aims to analyze the traffic on our website.

Google uses the data and information collected, among other things, to analyse the use of our website and to provide online reports, which show the activities on our website, as well as to provide us with other services associated with the use of the website.

Google Analytics places a cookie on the infrastructure of information technology of the interested party.

The meaning of the cookies it has already been clarified.

Google can analyse the use of our website thanks to the cookie.

With each visit to some of the pages of the website, which is administered by the controller in which is inserted a component of Google Analytics, the Internet browser on the technology infrastructure of the information of the data subject will automatically load data to Google for online advertising and commission. settlement.

During the process of this technological practice, the company Google to collect personal information, such as the IP address of the owner of the data, which allows Google to understand the origin of the clicks and visitors and, therefore, to establish settlements of commissions.

The cookie is used to store personal information, such as the access time, the location from which it was the access to and the frequency with which the interested visit our web site.

Such personal data, including the IP address of the Internet connection of the data subject, will be transmitted to Google in the united States of America with each visit to our Internet site.

Google will store these personal data in the united States of America.

Google may disclose the personal information collected through the technical procedure to third parties.

As mentioned above, the data subject may, at any time, prevent the setting of cookies through our website by adjusting the web browser used and, therefore, refuse, permanently the setting of cookies.

A change in the Internet browser used will also prevent Google Analytics places a cookie on the infrastructure of information technology of the interested party.

In addition, the cookies of Google Analytics may be deleted at any time via a web browser or other software programs.

In addition, the data subject has the option of objecting to a collection of data produced by Google Analytics, they are relevant for the use of this web site, and also the processing of data about you by Google and the ability to prevent such processing.

Para lograr esto, el interesado debe descargar e instalar un complemento del navegador desde el enlace

This add-in i-net send data to Google Analytics through a JavaScript, that any data and information about the visits to the page from the Internet are not sent to Google Analytics.

Google believes that the installation of add-ons web browser is an objection.

If the technology infrastructure of the information of the data subject is deleted, formatted or subsequently updated, the data subject must reinstall the browser add-ons to disable Google Analytics.

If the data subject or any other person within their domain of competence uninstalled or disabled the browser add-on, it is possible to reinstall or reactivate the browser add-ons.

Se pueden encontrar más detalles y las disposiciones de seguridad de datos relevantes de Google en y

Google Analytics se explica con más detalle en

13. Data protection provisions about the use and application of Google Remarketing

The controller has built-in services of Google Remarketing on this website.

Google Remarketing is a feature of Google AdWords that allows a company to display advertisements to Internet users who have previously visited the web site of the company.

As a result of the integration of Google Remarketing, a company can generate ads based on users and to show relevant advertisements to interested Internet users.

Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, USA. UU., it is the organization that operates the services of Google Remarketing.

Google Remarketing aims to incorporate ads that are relevant to the interests of the user.

Google Remarketing allows us to display ads on the Google network or on other web sites that are tailored to the specific needs and desires of the users of the Internet.

Google Remarketing places a cookie on the framework of information technology of the interested party.

The meaning of the cookies it has already been clarified.

With the cookie, Google enables a user of our web site to be recognized when you visit web pages consecutively that are also members of the advertising network of Google.

For each visit to a web site where it has been incorporated Google Remarketing, the web browser of the data subject is automatically associated with Google.

During the process of this method, technological, Google collects personal information, such as the user's IP address or the surfing behaviour, which Google uses, among other things, to insert advertisements of interest to you.

The cookie is used to store personal information, such as the Internet pages visited by the data subject.

When you visit our websites, personal data, including the IP address of the Internet connection of the data subject, is transmitted to Google in the united States of America.

Google will store these personal data in the united States of America.

Google may disclose the personal information collected through the technical procedure to third parties.

As mentioned above, the data subject may, at any time, prevent the setting of cookies through our website by adjusting the web browser used and, therefore, refuse, permanently the setting of cookies.

A change in the Internet browser used will also prevent Google from placing a cookie on the infrastructure of information technology of the interested party.

In addition, the cookies of Google may be deleted at any time via a web browser or other software programs.

In addition, the data subject has the option of objecting to the interest-based ads from Google.

To achieve this, the data subject must navigate to and configure the desired settings on each Internet browser used by the data subject.

You can find more details and the security policy of the current data of Google in .

14. Data protection provisions about the use and application of Google-AdWords

The driver has used Google AdWords on this website.

Google AdWords is an Internet advertising service that allows advertisers to insert ads in the search engine results of Google and in the advertising network of Google.

Google AdWords enables advertisers to pre-define keywords unique, with the help of which an ad on Google's search results is only displayed when a user uses the search engine to obtain a search result relevant to your keyword.

The ads in the advertising Network of Google is distributed on related web pages automatically using an algorithm that takes into account the keywords previously identified.

Google AdWords is operated by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, united STATES.

Google AdWords has as its objective the promotion of our website by the inclusion of ads on third-party websites and in the search engine results of Google, as well as the insertion of third-party advertising on our website.

If a data subject visited our website after clicking on a Google ad, Google places a conversion cookie on the device of information technology of the data subject.

The meaning of the cookies it has already been clarified.

The validity of a conversion cookie expires after one month and is not used to classify the subject of the data.

If it has not expired, the conversion cookie is necessary and is used to determine if it is agreed to these sub-pages of our website, such as the shopping cart of a system of on-line store.

The conversion cookie allows both Google and the controller to determine if a person clicked on an AdWords ad on our web site made sales, that is to say, completed or canceled a sale of products.

Google uses the data and information obtained by the conversion cookie in order to generate statistics of visits to our website.

These are used to calculate the total number of users served by the AdWords advertising in order to determine the success or failure of each AdWords ad and to refine our AdWords ads in the future.

Google does not provide to our company nor other Google AdWords advertisers details that can be used to classify the subject of the data.

Personal information, such as the pages of the Internet that is accessed by the interested party, is stored in the cookie for conversion.

When you visit our websites, personal data, including the IP address of the Internet connection of the data subject, is transmitted to Google in the united States of America.

Google will store these personal data in the united States of America.

Google may disclose the personal information collected through the technical procedure to third parties.

The data subject may, at any time, prevent our site to set cookies, as noted above, using a corresponding setting of the Internet browser used and, therefore, refuse, permanently the setting of cookies.

A similar configuration of the Internet browser also prohibit Google to add a conversion cookie on the device of information technology of the interested party.

Furthermore, a cookie of Google AdWords can be deleted at any time via an Internet browser or other software programs.

The interested party has the option of objecting to the interest-based advertising from Google.

As a result, the person concerned must access the connection from each browser and set the desired settings.

You can find more details and the provisions of security relevant data from Google in .

15. Data protection provisions about the use and application of Instagram

The controller has built-in components of Instagram on this website.

Instagram is a web site that can be classified as an on-site audio-visual because it allows users to publish images and videos, as well as to share such data in other social networks.

Instagram LLC, 1 Hacker Way, Building 14 First Floor, Menlo Park, CA, united STATES, is the operator of the services provided by Instagram.

With each visit to some of the pages of the website, which is operated by the controller and on which an integrated feature of Instagram (button Calls), the request automatically to the web browser on the device of information technology to the interested download a set of the corresponding component of Instagram on Instagram.

During this process, technological, Instagram learn what subpage particular of our website visited the person concerned.

If the data subject is logged in to Instagram at the same time, Instagram detects what subpage particular of our Internet page accessed the data subject, for each call to our website by the data subject and for the duration of their stay on our Internet site.

This information is collected by the part of Instagram and is associated with the account Instagram of the interested party.

If the data subject clicks on one of the buttons on Instagram are integrated on our website, Instagram compares this information with the personal account of Instagram to the data subject and stores the personal data.

Instagram receives information that the data subject has visited our website through a part of Instagram if the person concerned is logged in at Instagram at the time of the call to our website.

This happens either to the individual by clicking on the button Instagram or not.

If the interested party does not want such a transmission of information to Instagram, you can avoid this by signing out of your account of Instagram before visiting our website.

Se pueden encontrar más detalles y las disposiciones de seguridad de datos relevantes de Instagram en y .

16. LinkedIn: use and application of the provisions of the protection of data of the social network

In this website, the controller has built-in components of the LinkedIn Corporation.

The social network-based web: LinkedIn allows users to communicate with business contacts established and create new contracts and affiliations for commercial.

The social network has about 400 million registered users from over 200 countries.

As a result, LinkedIn is also the largest forum of business contacts. This is one of the social networks most visited in the world.

LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, is the operating company of the company.

LinkedIn Ireland, privacy Issues, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland is responsible for privacy matters outside of the united STATES.

With each visit to some of the pages of the website, which is operated by the controller and into which has been inserted a complement, a component of LinkedIn, you are prompted automatically to the browser i-net related to the IT system of the data subject you to download display of the related component of LinkedIn is LinkedIn.

Más detalles sobre el complemento de LinkedIn están disponibles en

In the course of this technical process, LinkedIn learn which of the sub-pages of our website visited the person concerned.

If the data subject is logged in to LinkedIn and LinkedIn, at the same time, it detects what subpage particular of our Internet page accessed the data subject, for the call of the data subject directed to our web site, and for the duration of your visit to our website.

This information is collected by the component of LinkedIn and is related to the LinkedIn account of the data subject.

If a data subject clicks on the buttons incorporated in our website, LinkedIn relates to the account itself LinkedIn user of the data subject to retain the personal data.

LinkedIn obtains information about the visits to our web site the interested party through the component of LinkedIn, as the data subject is logged into LinkedIn at the time of the call to our website.

This happens whether the person click on the button of LinkedIn or not.

If the interested party does not want such transmission of information is directed to LinkedIn, you can avoid this by signing out of your LinkedIn account before accessing our website.

LinkedIn ofrece la opción de cancelar la suscripción a notificaciones por correo electrónico, anuncios directos y SMS, pero también monitorear la configuración de anuncios, en

Affiliates on LinkedIn include Google Analytics, Eire, DoubleClick, BlueKai, Comscore, Eloqua, Lotame, and Nielsen.

De acuerdo con, dichas cookies pueden rechazarse.

La política de privacidad de LinkedIn se puede encontrar en

The cookie Policy of LinkedIn can be found in .

17. Pinterest: use and application of the provisions of the protection of data of the social network

The components of Pinterest Inc. have been incorporated by the controller on this website.

Pinterest is a form of social network.

The term “social network” is a place of social gathering on the Internet, a digital community that allows users to connect and interact with each other in a digital environment.

You can use it to share experiences and ideas, or it can be used to provide commercial information or to the Internet community.

Users of Pinterest can publish, among other things, the database of images and individual images, but also of explanation, pin, virtual, also known as bulletin boards, which can then be exchanged, also known as re-pins, or commented by other users.

Pinterest Inc., 808 brannan, purple berets Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, united STATES, is the operating company of the company.

For every visit to the pages of the website, which is operated by the controller and on which is integrated a complement, a component of Pinterest, you are prompted automatically to the web browser of the system of information technology of the data subject you to download a display of the corresponding component of Pinterest through the respective Component Pinterest.

Puede encontrar más información sobre Pinterest en

During the process of this method, technological, Pinterest learn which of the sub-pages of our website visited the person concerned.

If the data subject is logged in to Pinterest at the same time, Pinterest detects what subpage particular of our Internet page accessed the data subject, for each call to our website by the data subject and for the duration of their stay on our Internet site.

This information is collected by the part of Pinterest and associated with the Pinterest account of the data subject.

If a data subject clicks on one of the buttons of Pinterest integrated into our website, Pinterest assigns this information to the user account Pinterest of the data subject and stores the personal data.

Pinterest receives information that the data subject has visited our website through the component of Pinterest, given that the data subject has logged in at Pinterest at the time of the call to our website.

This happens whether the person clicks on the component Pinterest or not.

If the interested party does not want such a transmission of information to Pinterest, you can avoid this by signing out of your Pinterest account before visiting our website.

Las pautas de seguridad de datos de Pinterest, que están disponibles en, ofrecen información sobre la recopilación, el procesamiento y el uso de datos personales por parte de Pinterest.

18. Data protection provisions about the use and application of Tumblr

The components of Tumblr have been integrated in the controller of this website.

Tumblr is a blogging site that allows users to create and manage their own blogs.

A blog is a web-based forum, generally accessible to the public, where one or more persons known as bloggers or web-bloggers may post articles or write down thoughts in blog posts.

In a Tumblr blog, for example, the user can publish text, pictures, links and videos, and distribute them in the digital space.

The Tumblr users can also import content from other websites to your own blogs.

The parent company of Tumblr is Tumblr, Inc., 35 East 21st Street, Ground Floor, New York, NY 10010, united STATES.

The Internet browser on the technology infrastructure of the information of the data subject automatically downloads a view of the component Tumblr corresponding Tumblr for every call to every visit to the pages of the website, which is run by the controller and on which he has placed a component Tumblr button Tumblr). integrated.

Puede encontrar más información sobre los botones de Tumblr en

Tumblr learns the sub-specific our web site to which you accessed the interested during this technical procedure.

The integration of the component Tumblr serves as a retransmission of the contents of this web site, allows our users to carry this web page to the digital world and increase our visitor numbers.

If the data subject has logged in at Tumblr, Tumblr detects what subpage particular of our Internet page accessed the data subject, for each call to our website by the data subject and during the duration of their stay on our Internet. site.

This information is collected by the part of Tumblr and associated with the Tumblr account of the data subject.

If a data subject clicks on one of the buttons of the Tumblr integrated on our website, Tumblr assigns this information to the own account of a Tumblr user of the data subject and stores the personal data.

Tumblr receives information that the data subject has visited our website through the component Tumblr, given that the data subject is connected to Tumblr at the time of the call to our website.

This happens whether the person to click or not in the component of Tumblr.

If the person concerned does not want this transfer of information to Tumblr, you can avoid this by closing log in to your Tumblr account before visiting our website.

The security policies of the relevant data of Tumblr can be found in .

19. Data protection provisions of Twitter on the use and application

The components of Twitter have been integrated by the controller on this website.

Twitter is a microblogging publicly available and multilingual where users may publish and spread so-called ‘tweets’, which are short messages of 280 characters.

These short messages are accessible to all users, including those who have not logged on to Twitter.

The tweets are also displayed to the "followers" of the respective user.

Other Twitter users who follow the tweets of a user are known as followers.

In addition, Twitter will help you to reach a large number of people through the use of hashtags, links or retweets.

Twitter, Inc. it is the parent company and its address is 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, united STATES.

With each visit to some of the pages of the website, which is operated by the controller and on which it has been integrated as a component of Twitter (Twitter button), the Internet browser on the technology device of the information of the data subject automatically receives a request to download a display of the corresponding component of Twitter.

Puede encontrar más información sobre los botones de Twitter en

During the course of this technological process, Twitter learn what subpage particular of our website visited the person concerned.

The introduction of the Twitter serves as a retransmission of the contents of this web site, allows our users to add this web page to the digital world and increase our visitor numbers.

If the data subject is logged in on Twitter at the same time, Twitter detects which subpage particular of our website visited by the data subject, for each call to our website by the data subject and during the entire period of their stay on our Internet site.

This information is collected by Twitter and is associated with the Twitter account of the data subject.

If a data subject clicks on one of the buttons of Twitter are integrated on our website, then Twitter assigns this information to the own user account Twitter of the data subject and stores the personal data.

Twitter receives information that the data subject has visited our website through the component of Twitter, given that the data subject is logged in to Twitter at the time of the call to our website.

This happens whether the person to click or not in the component of Twitter.

If the interested party does not want such a transmission of information to Twitter, you can avoid this by signing out of your Twitter account before visiting our website.

The security requirements of relevant data from Twitter can be found in .

20. Data protection provisions about the use and application of YouTube

The components of YouTube have been incorporated by the controller on this website.

YouTube is a video site for Internet that allows video editors to upload freely video clips and other users, as well as to play them, review them and comment on them free of charge.

YouTube allows you to publish any kind of video, so you can view movies and TV programs complete, as well as music videos, trailers, and videos created by users via the Internet portal.

The parent company of YouTube is YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, united STATES.

Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, united STATES, and is the owner of YouTube, LLC.

For every visit to the pages of the website, which is operated by the controller and on which it has a built-in component of YouTube (YouTube video), the request automatically to the web browser of the data subject on your device and information technology to download a display of the corresponding component from YouTube.

Más información sobre YouTube está disponible en

In the course of this technological process, YouTube and Google learn what to sub-page only of our website visited the person concerned.

If the data subject is logged in on YouTube, YouTube recognizes which subpage particular of our website visited by the data subject, for each call to a sub-page that contains a YouTube video.

This information is collected by YouTube and Google and assigned to the YouTube account of the data subject.

If the person concerned is logged on to YouTube at the time of the call to our website, YouTube and Google receive information that the data subject has visited our website through the component of YouTube; this occurs regardless of whether the person clicks on a YouTube video or not.

If the person concerned does not want this information to be sent to YouTube and Google, the distribution will be stopped if the data subject logs off on their own YouTube account before visiting our website.

Las disposiciones de seguridad de datos de YouTube, que se pueden encontrar en, explican cómo YouTube y Google capturan, almacenan y usan datos personales.

21. Payment method: data protection provisions about the use of PayPal as a payment processor

The components of PayPal have been incorporated by the controller on this website.

PayPal is a company that offers online payment services.

Payments are made through PayPal accounts, which are accounts virtual private or business.

If a user does not have a PayPal account, PayPal may still process payments, virtual credit cards.

Given that a PayPal account is managed by an e-mail address, there are no account numbers, traditional.

PayPal allows you to start online transfers to third parties, as well as accepting payments.

PayPal assumes the duties of a trustee and also provides security services to the buyer.

The european subsidiary of PayPal is PayPal (Europe) S. à.rl & Cie. SCA, 22-24 Boulevard Royal, 2449 Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

If the data subject selects "PayPal" as your payment method in the online shop during the ordering process, we pass automatically the information of the data subject to PayPal.

By choosing this payment method, the interested party gives their consent to the transfer of personal data required for payment processing.

The personal data that are sent to PayPal are usually first and last name, address, email address, IP address, phone number, mobile phone number, or other information related to the payment.

The processing of the purchase contract requires the collection of personal data associated with the respective order.

The transfer of data is aimed at payment processing and fraud prevention.

The controller may pass personal data to PayPal, if there is a legitimate interest in doing so.

PayPal can send to the credit bureaus economic personal data shared between PayPal and the controller for the processing of data.

This transmission is intended to be used for the verification of identity and creditworthiness.

PayPal, if applicable, disclose personal information to affiliates, service providers or subcontractors to comply with contractual obligations or to process the data of the order.

The interested party has the option to withdraw the consent to the handling of personal data to PayPal at any time.

A revocation has no effect on personal data which must be stored, used or distributed for the processing of payments (contractual).

The security requirements of relevant data in PayPal can be found at .

22. Payment method: data protection provisions about the use of CyberSource Corporation as a payment processor

The controller has built-in components processing of payments CyberSource Corporation and its subsidiaries in this web site. it is a payment gateway that accepts payments online.

Payments are handled in the following manner:

1) The customer pays with their credit card.

2) Authorize.Net manages the routing of complex data on behalf of the merchant through the steps/entities which are mentioned below.

3) Authorize.Net sends the transaction details are encrypted to the service provider (e-payment or payment system Talus) via a secure link.

The transaction is sent to the network of credit cards by the Processor of the Merchant Bank (such as Visa or MasterCard).

The network of credit cards directs the transaction to the bank that issued the customer's credit card.

4) Depending on the available funds of the customer, the issuing bank accepts or declines the transaction and sends the results of the transaction to the network of credit cards.

The network of credit card sends the transaction information to the processor of the commercial bank.

The processor transmits the results of the transaction to Authorize.Net.

5) Depending on the available funds of the customer, the issuing bank accepts or declines the transaction and sends the results of the transaction to the network of credit cards.

The network of credit card sends the transaction information to the processor of the commercial bank.

The processor transmits the results of the transaction to Authorize.Net.

6) The merchant provides the client with products or services.

7) The bank issuer transfers the funds of the purchase to the network of credit cards, which sends the funds to the trader's bank.

The bank then deposits the funds into the merchant's bank account.

This is known as settlement and transaction funds are usually deposited in the main bank account of the merchant within two to four business days.

Address is (general Inquiries) PO Box 8999 San Francisco, CA 94128-8999.

7556 US-70 #200, Bartlett, TN 38133, USA. UU.

Talus is located at 12700 Park Central Dr, Dallas, TX 75251, USA. UU.

If the data subject selects "" as your payment method in the online shop during the ordering process, the information of the data subject is automatically transmitted to the processor.

By choosing this payment method, the interested party gives their consent to the transfer of personal data required for payment processing.

The personal data which are transmitted to the processor through the gateway are typically first name and last name, address, email address, IP address, telephone number, cell phone number, credit card number or other payment processing data.

The processing of the purchase contract requires the collection of personal data associated with the respective order.

The transfer of data is aimed at payment processing and fraud prevention.

The driver may pass personal data to if there is a valid interest in doing so.

The personal data shared between and the controller for the processing of data will be distributed to the credit bureaus economic through

This transmission is intended to be used for the verification of identity and creditworthiness.

If necessary, disclose personal information to affiliates, service providers or subcontractors to comply with contractual obligations or to process the data of the order. gives the data subject the option of withdrawing permission for the handling of personal data at any time.

A revocation has no effect on personal data which must be stored, used or distributed for the processing of payments (contractual).

Los requisitos de seguridad de datos relevantes de CyberSource se pueden encontrar en

Art. 6(1) lit. to GDPR is the legal basis for operating and that is why we obtain consent for some of the operational purposes. If it is necessary to process personal data for a contract whose party is the data subject, as in this particular case, when processing operations are necessary for the provision of services and/or service, the processing is based on article 6( 1) lit. b RGPD.

The same applies to the operations necessary to carry out pre-contractual, as when there are queries about our services or products. Is our company subject to a legal obligation which requires the processing of personal data, such as for the fulfillment of tax obligations, the processing is based on art. 6(1) lit. c RGPD. Sometimes, the processing of personal data may be necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person. A general example: if a customer is injured in the office of a company and the data of health insurance, age, name, or any other crucial information should be sent to a hospital or to any other third party. In this case, the processing is based on art. 6(1) lit. d RGPD.

The processing operations could be based on article 6(1) lit. f RGPD. The legal framework is used for processing operations which are not covered by any of the grounds mentioned above, if processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of our company or a third party in addition to when previous interest prevail over the interests or the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data. This type of processing operations are permitted because they have been specifically mentioned by the european legislator considering that it can assume a legitimate interest if the person concerned is a customer of the controller (Recital 47 Sentence 2 GDPR).

24. Legitimate interests of the controller or of a third party

When we process personal data in accordance with article 6(1) lit. f GDPR, our legitimate interest is to manage our business in the best interest of our employees and shareholders.

25. Term/time for which you can keep personal data

The period of conservation law is the criterion used to evaluate the period of conservation of personal data. After the expiration of that time, the corresponding data is deleted routinely, when no longer required for the fulfillment of the contract or the initiation of a contract. You can ask us to remove your personal information by sending an e-mail to info(at) or writing to the above address.

26. Collection of personal data as a legislative requirement, or contract; a requirement to enter into a contract;

The obligation of the person concerned to include personal information; potential consequences if such data are not provided .

We clarify that the provision of personal data is required by law (such as tax regulations). It could also be the product of a contractual provisions (e.g. information about the contracting party).

To sign a contract, you may request the data subject to provide us with personal data, which then must be processed.

When our company, for example, signed a contract with the data subject, this is expected to provide us with personal data.

The lack of provision of personal data prevents the conclusion of the contract between the controller and the data subject.

The data subject must first communicate with the employee of the controller before you provide personal information.

This employee verifies the data subject if the law or contract are required to provide personal data, or if it is necessary for the conclusion of the contract, whether there is a requirement to provide the personal data and the consequences of not providing them. data.

27. Existence of decision making automated

As a responsible company, we do not use profiling and automated decisions.

Last updated: August 16, 2023
